Northwest Blaze is playing 16U and 18Gold schedule in 2014. The core
focus of this team is to learn strong softball
fundamentals while understanding the importance of
teamwork, sportsmanship and respect. This focus must be
maintained by all coaches, players and parents
participating on the Northwest Blaze 16U team. This
team of student athletes learn that hard work both on
and off the field gives them the ability to reach the
goals they set for themselves as well as those set by
their coaching staff.
2014 Premier Quailified
2013 Oregon 16UA State Champions
The Northwest Blaze participated in some great
tournaments in 2013. Qualified for ASA and Premier
Fastpitch Nationals. Participated in the Premier
Nationals in Huntington Beach, Ca.
Northwest Blaze Qualified to participate in the 2012 ASA
14Ua Nationals in Sioux Falls, SD. by placing 4th in the
ASA Hall
placing 9th out of 114 teams.